Friday, 28 November 2008

Today's quickie moneymaker

Discovered a little gem that you can use to make money on your blog or website

Linkshowoff is a little widget with slots that people can buy at a price you set to advertise their link.

Yes, I know you can do this for free with entrecard, and for a small amount with Adgitize, but you can advertise here or on any of my other blogs for just $1.

If you decide to add Linkshowoff to your blog, you'll get paid for your ads, and also for referrals - good isn't it! Payments are made via Paypal.

The ads stay on the widget until they are 'bumped' off by newer ones. However, you can expand the size of your widget to run up to 20 links at a time, so advertisers could get excellent value for a really tiny amount.

Please check on the green Linkshowoff banner to check it out and scroll down the sidebar to see how it looks. You'll have a choice of colours to work with your blog colourscheme.


Monday, 17 November 2008

So you don't believe CHOCOLATE CAN BE HEALTHY?

Prepare to change your ideas! What I am about to tell you about can give you more antioxidant weight for weight than any other healthy food you can name - even the so called super foods and drinks you may have heard of!

Yesterday afternoon I went to a presentation for this business which is opening in the UK in January and I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY.

It sits beautifully with my other businesses and I know that I can make this one work for me and my team and I would just LOVE you to join me on that team.

The details can be found at but before you flip over there, please read on.

We currently have an absolutely unique opportunity to take a position completely free and find out about the product and the business. What I have seen about the product, company, the training, the compensation is fantastic.

If you later decide it isn’t for you, no problem, but if you DO, you will be in the top ‘layer’ of my team and well positioned within the whole of the UK to start recruiting. My sponsor is just TWO levels away from the top of the whole UK organisation.

If you would like to be involved, you need to contact me IMMEDIATELY via the email on my profile.

Signing up is a special procedure at present because they are still getting the UK legalities tied up. To be in my team, you need to go through that route.

As soon as you have your ID and understand the temporary conditions in place, you can start to get YOUR team in place for the UK launch and that can include US, Canadian, Japanese, Australian and New Zealand folks. US and Canada are fully launched, the others are also set to come on-stream shortly.

Remember, all you are doing at present is registering an interest. There is absolutely no obligation and no cost.

If you would like to contact me to ask for more information, please do so via

You can also see my brand new blog for this venture at

I have copied this post across so you can get all the details there too!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Are you a Xombie yet?

Most of you who read this will already be bloggers and may already write articles as well.

If you are not yet publishing your articles on Xomba, have you been asleep? This is one site you really need to be involved with, especially if Adsense is one of your income streams. The articles and useful/interesting links (Xombytes and Xomblurbs) that you publish will earn you a 50/50 split of the income from the Adsense ads that surround the item when it is viewed.

Last night the site admin ran an online workshop/chat session in which some of the plans for a forthcoming major upgrade were set out. You can read the transcript of the session here.

Maybe you have looked at Xomba before and didn't like the layout or appearance? It seems that they have taken this on board and are set for big changes, incorporating many of the suggestions they have had from regular users.

For current Xombies, I have a tip. As I surfed through my Entrecard drops, I was often finding something of note worth writing about or posting a link, I'd make a note then lose it or just forget to post something good.

So, I started making a habit of opening up a Xomba tab before I got into Entrecarding so I could just jump across and do a post, or draft a brief Xombyte for later completion. I've done substantially more in the last day or two which ultimately means more money.

In last night's session everyone wanted to know how to generate the most income. Read the transcript carefully because it will help you in this respect.

Then when you've done that, go take a look at the 'Users by points' list and from there, to list the articles written by those who have generated the most points. Work out what keywords their items are based on - that should give you some help.

Here is where you can sign up to Xomba. Check me out (jennysue19) and make me a Xomba buddy.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Monday morning quickie - don’t just advertise, ADGITIZE !!

This month a new player has given you a new way to monetize your blog.

ADGITIZE not only pays you for advertising, but also encourages you to post new material and rewards you for page views as well as ad clicks.

What you are paid depends on the success of the whole enterprise and your own efforts – your points are changed into cash on an exchange rate mechanism clearly explained on the site.

You can be an advertiser, a publisher, or simply an affiliate – you will also gain points for referring new members.

Look on my blog sidebar - you'll see that the ad format is a simple 125 x 125 pixel image and you can choose to publish single or multiple units.

Great idea, get in now and watch your points grow as you bring in all the bloggers in YOUR personal network.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Thanks to Phydeaux for my Label Cloud

Every blog needs labels so that visitors can find info about things they are interested in.

The standard blogger way of doing things is clumsy and unattractive and also results in a very long page if you blog about a lot of different things.

As I wandered around the blogosphere I saw some better implementation methods and decided to take a look at how it was done.

I found Phydeaux gave very clear instructions. Although it may look a little daunting for the non-techie, it is really very easy, and I had it all done within 10 minutes with no errors.

To make it easy to find the bits of code I needed to work on in the template, I cut and pasted the whole thing (without widgets expanded) into notepad. DO NOT try and open notepad and then open the XML file you saved and work on it.

DO NOT work on the notepad version and then cut and paste back to Blogger - JUST use your notepad window as a reference to find the right lines to add to or change.

WIth those small warnings, you should find it a breeze. Tweaking to get the colours harmonized with your blog palette and font is similarly easy, once you have the basics in place.

The instructions are not on Phydeaux's main blog - visit that here.

What would be useful would be to know if the positioning of your label cloud has any implications for Adsense. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Adsense mistakes and warnings

Like any blogger or website owner who uses Adsense, I'm always looking for ways to improve my click-throughs and income.

There is so much info out there about how best to optimize your blog or website for Adsense I am getting thoroughly confused.

For instance, should you put lots of labels for every post you make?

I have, however, found a couple of blogs and sites that are genuinely helpful which I'd like to share.

They are: (search for adsense articles)

One absolutely dire warning - I received an email from someone recommending an 'Adsense exchange group' - like the traffic exchanges but with the idea that you visited other people's blogs and clicked on the google ads and they did it for you - no suggestion that you were visiting for any other reason. Google does know about this and they WILL detect unusual patterns of clicking on Adsense links and sudden increases. Don't have anything to do with this kind of pimping for click-throughs.

Now for my daft mistake. When I signed up for Adsense, then added other sites later, I forgot to add them to my list of 'authorized sites' to carry ads with my publisher ID. I don't know how much revenue I've lost like this.

I have corrected it now, but also noted that in the 'unauthorized sites' list, appeared - this is your blogspot dashboard area. I don't know WHY this happens, except it is where you create your Adsense gadget units.

Hopefully I will now see a rise in my Adsense earnings when my account picks up the updates.