Thursday, 26 February 2009

Some you pay for, some you get free

A few weeks ago I mentioned Me2Everyone which is still happily giving away free shares pre-launch, although the site doesn't look terribly pretty yet. I would still recommend signing up though, you never know how it might turn out.

A similar offering popped up today -

The website is once again a pre-launch one and says that it will be offering a combination of all the things we know and love about our social networks, search sites, chat, music and even dating all under one roof.

It offers the chance to earn free Euros for your sign up and from your referrals. Once again, worth a try just for curiosity's sake.

Xocai chocolate is taking the UK by storm and is now about to hit the rest of the Euro zone. If you are a keen network marketer, definitely do not miss this one, and read about some of the benefits of the product on my sister blog Hot Choc Profits.

Adgitize had a lot of technical problems a few weeks back and may have put you off placing an ad with them. It all seems to be sorted out just fine now, and it is such a bargain for blog advertising you really cannot ignore it.

Still doing very well with Twitter and its partners as in my last blog. Not just about the number of people that you can get YOUR message out to, but who you meet and what you learn, and of course the entertainment value.

I never thought of myself as a celebrity watcher, but have been amused by some of the things that Jonathan Ross (wossy) and Stephen Fry tweet about.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Twittering Tentacles Batman!

I was somewhat wary about joining Twitter. I have totally abandoned Facebook and Myspace as timewasters. However, after barely a week I’m hooked on tweeting and I have discovered some very useful add-ons which are letting me get to a whole world of potential customers.

Number 1 add-on has to be Twitterhawk - this invaluable little gadget enables me to sniff out what the Twitter world is tweeting about and tweet anyone who uses my designated keywords in their tweets. There are limitations of course, or Twitterhawk would probably be the world’s biggest spammer. Basically you are supposed only be able to send 6 messages per day, one for each of your keyword sets.

You are allowed 6 keyword sets and 5 different messages per keyword set which auto-cycle. You can auto-send the second, someone uses your keywords or the Twitterhawk system will queue your messages for approval. However, there seem to be some dodges around this. I queued my outgoing tweets and found that it seemed to have multiple messages for the same keyword set and it let me send all of them.

Also, if you use up all your 6 messages for the day, it appears that if you delete them, and set up new ones, you can do it all over again. There are ingenious ways that you can query what the world’s Twitterers are saying.

Setting a keyword of ‘tuna ?’ for example will pick up a message that has the word tuna in it and is also a question, as in "Did you have tuna sandwiches for lunch ?

"prawn salad" near:"Baltimore" will detect a message such as "I’m having prawn salad for dinner" which was sent within 15 miles of anywhere called Baltimore. Don’t ask me how it distinguishes between different Baltimore’s - I have no idea. Does it know the difference between multiple Portsmouths in the USA and Portsmouth UK for example - I’m asking!

Tweetergetter gets you what amounts to thousands of free leads by a viral method. I set it going this morning, but I can’t tell whether the people who joined me today as followers came in that way or not. It seems like a great idea and requires no effort anyway so take a look at the linky.

Now Tweetdeck. I’ve downloaded this and I am trying to figure out whether it is a more efficient method of managing my Twitter feeds or not. Jury’s out.

So, what was it about tentacles then Robin?.

Ages ago, someone showed me a diagrammatic method of managing your time and organizing your ideas. For instance - you are working out what your priorities are for the day. You have an idea that one particular topic is the most important for you to concentrate on. So take a blank sheet of paper and write your topic right bang in the middle of it. Let’s say you have a new business opportunity or promotion method you want to get out to all your friends in different social and business network. Draw lines outwards from your original topic and write in the group names.

As you do this, you will find yourself thinking of links from those, which might be other things to do related to that group, but not to the original topic or subdivisions. You’ll end up with first of all something that looks like a creature with lots of tentacles, and then spawns other multi-tentacled creatures.

You can also use this method for developing ideas and projects. I even used it as a therapy for my depression to see where different thoughts were leading me and identify solutions and antidotes. That was really helpful. It is a very useful technique and I can recommend.

It has a proper name, if anyone can tell me, please comment- thanks.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Twittering away ... and Foodbuzzing

Can't understand why I have never Twittered till this week.

It's proving to be a great source of traffic, particularly for my Love of British Food blog which pays me per unique view.

Better still is TwitterHawk. Now let's suppose someone I have never met, has never read an of my blogs or come across any of my websites, tweets the words 'healthy' and 'chocolate' in the same message to their Twitter followers. TwitterHawk will recognise that I could usefully send a message to them about my Xocai business and sends it for me. Not only that, it makes them one of my followers. They can choose to ignore or block me if they wish, but my message, with my Xocai marketing site URL is on their tweets page. That's pretty good.

To avoid being accused of spam, TwitterHawk only lets me send one message per 24 hours, but if only a tiny fraction of those 365 tweets results in some interest in my message, I'm happy. I can set up a number of messages with the same, or varying trigger words, and automatically rotate to test which message works the best.

Foodbuzz is another food related community which is now feeding traffic to Love of British Food blog and I have picked up a whole load of new followers for the blog in just 24 hours.

It's going to be a profitable week I think!