Friday 2 January 2009

Site Review - Marketing Opinions

Have been catching up with my Entrecard and Adgitize dropping and clicking today and came across Marketing Opinions .

I have seen some of the techniques for making the most of Adsense and other SEO topics scattered across half a dozen different blogs, but this has a lot of info in one place which is handy for anyone just starting out as a paid blogger.

As well as being a good reference, it has a nice layout, good choice of fonts and invites comments and enquiries giving a direct email address.

Just a couple of minor gripes - I couldn't find a profile of the author - it is always good to know the credentials of those giving advice. Also, there are places where the grammar is bad or the words don't make sense at all. This is irritating and so unnecessary. If you are not 100% confident about your spelling and grammar, compose offline in Word or similar and use all the checking tools.

The blog also lists tools and moneymaking sites that you will find useful, such as the backlink checker, DoFollow Blog finder and the paid survey directory (you DON'T have to pay to get the info and it's good - I use several of the sites in the UK section myself) but some of the 'links' in the tools list did not go to the sites indicated, one ending up on a rather sleazy chat site.

If I was scoring this site, I'd probably give it 8/10. Not perfect, but a good addition to my list of blogs to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really need to read these kinds of blogs so I know what I'm doing. Which I don't. I do however enjoy reading blogs that have obviously been translated from another language. It's like reading a Chinese take out menu. It makes me laugh so and I can usually figure out what they are trying to say.