Swom is certainly one of them. Everytime I check my SWOM dashboard, there are people who want to connect with ME and I have made it a habit to choose a couple of their contacts to request connections with. From those connections have come some signups and also some budding friendships and business relationships.
One of those is with a guy called Mark Gartrip. Mark has written a book which kind of follows on from the ideas I had already latched onto in 'The Secret', but it develops the ideas into something far more self-empowering. Mark is keen to get the book into an ebook format, something I know a little about and to find new ways to market it. For the moment you can buy 'How to Fix your life' in hard copy format - highly recommended reading, and you can test drive the first two chapters here on Mark's blog.
The advertising star of the last week has most DEFINITELY been Sweeva. This is not the ubiquitous traffic exchange, but a very new and exciting advertising format where everyone signed in and watching sees the SAME ad at the same time and has an opportunity to comment, ask questions and rate it. What you need to operate successfully on Sweeva is a good splash page. If you can say the essential things about your business in a couple of headlines, a pic or banner and a handful of bullet points you are onto a winner. It's free, there is an optional upgrade if you want to earn from signups.
I can tell you - this new kind of surfing for traffic really does work and you will not be wasting your time as I feel you may be doing on traffic exchanges.
One of the ads I saw on Sweeva and followed up was a blog written by a young guy called Mike Gartner. It's a good looking, well written, and informative blog and Mike is going to go a long way in the world of online opps. and all the technology evolving to help you market.
To get your advertising on Sweeva, you earn points by surfing and spend those points to advertise. The more you are there, the more you comment etc., you can earn points bonuses which you will also gain from the people who see your add and give it a thumbs up.
To make my first splash pages, I have chosen InstantSplash. Once again it is free with an upgrade option, but because of it's huge initial popularity, the owner, Carl Bailey has imposed a limit on the number of splash pages you can have at one time. This might be just fine for you anyway and making a splash page is SO simple, it's easy to rustle up another one and scrap an older one. 5 minutes is really all it takes.
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