Thursday, 25 September 2008

Even more ways....

My new friends on Wozone and Blogcatalog are doing great things for my site stats - thanks guys and for the chats on Skype too.

Another great little promoter came my way via a visit to a LinkReferral site.

Entrecard lets you put a 'business card' on your blog. When other Entrecarders visit, they can 'drop' their card and you can reciprocate or simply go looking for interesting blogs to read.

These services are much more personal than the usual traffic exchange and I'm thinking that they are going to be more effective in the end. You feel more of a relationship with the person whose blog or site you are looking at and/or reviewing and tend to read it more than you would if you were just going for straight hits.

In the end, if you are recommending genuine products and services you WILL win customers because people will trust you just that little bit more and will remember you. I try to use the same pic of me across all my sites. It may be a couple of years old, but it is clean and colourful and I'm smiling!

That's all for today - just a very brief post because I want to get some new things on ebay and I'm out later on. Want to know what I sell? Go to my ebay shop!


Tabby said...

Hi Jenny
Ive got a personal assistant very much like yours!!

Thanks for contacting me. You can visit my blog @ to see a little about me. Nice to meet you!!

Anonymous said...

Hello there, I like your little assistant. I'm a cat lover too. I wanted to go with Entrecard but was informed that Google Adsense on my site is not compatible with them. How do you do it? Leave me a shout on my CBox.